15 rue de Bagnolet 75020 Paris
à 97m
à 694m
Jam session – Une folk puissante et rocailleuse, par un jeune talent de Liverpool
Jeudi 19/11/2015 à 21:00
15 rue de Bagnolet 75020 Paris
Bar / café (100 places)
Paris 20e arrondissement
Gratuit !
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Le demi est à 3 €
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I've been dicking around with music in some form or other ever since I was handed the That'll be The Day soundtrack and Beatles Red as a young ladeeo by mother to stop me being 'in the way'. I eventually made the connection between the sounds flanging out of the record player and the twatted old classical standing idle in the corner. Since those overly romanticised beginnings I've played all kinds of shit, but when you boil me down to my essential syrups, although I'll never have Ringo sideburns, I'm a grown man still pretending to be Del Shannon / Buddy Holly / Brian Hyland et al but still not David Essex. But fuck it, I'm enjoying myself, I'm still doing me music and sometimes I even get paid enough to keep me in rent.
I'm in The Cubical. I play guitar very well and the piano not so very well. I can do reasonable impressions of various kinds of musicians (harmonicist / banjoer / organ monger) but I can only PLAY the guitar. I can sing too (only backing in The Cubical mind), I'm pretty good at that - although this accent of mine (nasal St.Helens mild) means I have to swap the odd vowel sound here and there but, you know, we all have our little tslorfsks. Being in The Cubical has enabled me to travel, play and record all over the world with mes meilleurs amis, to go to places and stay in hotels I would never have been able to afford in real life, and meet some very talented, interesting and often, quite frankly, ridiculous people. All these things are good things.
I live in the great historical footballing maritime genius pot of wonder that is Liverpool. I'm 5 foot 9 and a half and I have no pets.
All that's very nice but I'll be banging on about my solo stuff round these parts. For example, my debut album, Binman of Love, is out soon so keep your eyes and ears open!