

  • Samedi 09/05/2015 à 20:00

L'Olympic Café

20 rue Léon 75018 Paris

Bar / café (200 places)

Paris 18e arrondissement

MChâteau RougeM 4

Voir la carteComment s'y rendre

10 €Prix tout public

Le demi est à 2,50 €

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À propos



There was a time when dance music was played live, by real flesh and bone musicians.

Yes! ‘Bones, Saxophones, roaring Horns and thundering Drums were part of the daily experience of the insatiable dancer.

We, the Umlaut Big Band, are willing to bring these unforgettable sounds of the 1930s and 40s to anyone who enjoys dancing, swinging, listening and stomping. Through meticulous transcriptions and documentation of original arrangements, we’ll carry you to the “Home of Happy Feet”, bringing the musics of Fletcher Henderson, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Jimmie Lunceford, the Casa Loma Orchestra, Duke Ellington, Chick Webb and others back to life.

The Umlaut Big Band is an orchestra of 15 creative musicians involved in different kinds of contemporary musical projects, all associated with the Paris-Berlin-Stockholm-based record label Umlaut Records. When they meet to play 30s Swing music, they all bring their particular sound, their personalite, their creativity and their knowledge of music in order to have fun and make you dance! This is what makes the Umlaut Big Band so special!

hear, see & learn more about us here

Featuring, among others:

Pierre-Antoine Badaroux: alto sax & musical direction Pierre Borel: tenor sax & clarinet Sébastien Beliah: double-bass Antonin Gerbal: drums Louis Laurain: trumpet Fidel Fourneyron: trombone Joel Grip: double-bass Brice Pichard: trumpet Benjamin Dousteyssier: baritone sax etc…………

contact: umlautbb[at]gmail[dot]com

and check Jazz Scores to find scores and sheet music from the Umlaut Big Band among other gems.

S'y rendre

L'Olympic Café

20 rue Léon 75018 Paris

MChâteau RougeM 4 à 283m

MMarcadet-PoissonniersM 12M 4 à 428m

MBarbès-RochechouartM 2M 4 à 552m

MFuniculaire Gare hauteM fun à 788m


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