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MURUROA ATTÄCK was founded in october 1995. most of the original members had already played in other bands. the people changed over the years, but the band´s attitudes remain the same: anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-sexist, DIY OR DIE!

in february 1996 we recorded our first 10-song-demo-tape, the “aloha“-ep came out in june 1997, the first lp “sei immer nett zu schweinen“ (recorded in spring `98) was released in 2001. thereafter came “die dosis macht das gift“-lp/cd (2002/2003). 2003 we recorded a split-lp together with the incredible SUFFRAKETE PUNKHORST from hamburg. for our 10-year anniversary in october 2005 we made “benzin macht frei“, a 10-inch mini-lp. in 2011 the lp/cd “wir sind die guten” saw the light of the day. and finally in september 2018 there was the latest output, and again it became a split lp. this time we share the vinyl wit VOLKER DAS TROPHE + DIE UNTERGÄNG from the small town of witzenhausen somewhere between Kassel and göttingen. new songs are always under construction and the next piece of vinyl (and maybe a digital version, too) will be release in a few months / years / decades / whenever.

in all this time we went on several tours and played gigs at squats, self-administrated centres, small bars, non-commercial-fests, etc. somewhere between sweden and greece and between france and belarus…

and now, after more than 20 years of surviving in this “civilisation“, we´re still looking for gigs to penetrate the audience with our noise.

so take a listen and decide for yourselves.

you can download several songs for free on

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