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The story of K15’s musical beginnings is cloaked in the same mystery that surrounds the name. It’s believed that, as an infant, he agitated his mum by drumming pots and pans in the kitchen – an eccentric choice of musical instruments for an infant. Having exhausted the musical tonalities of pantry instruments, Kieron Ifill, as he was then known, immersed himself with piano and saxophone. During the course of Kieron’s teenage years, he became a jungle music fanatic, collecting records and eventually picked up on disc jockeying. Gradually Kieron caught the house and garage bug. His rendezvous within the house-garage club scene led him to observe the ecstatic effects music was having on people. This phenomenon became his new fascination.

Then in the early 90s, in a twist of faith Kieron’s musical orientation shifted. Through an acquaintance, he was introduced to the music of 4hero, Miles Davis, Curtis Mayfield, Jay Dee, Jazzanova - to name a few.The delicate sensibilities of neo-soul and nu-jazz had him captivated. He now yearned to create music. Kieron went about procuring a computer with Reason installed and an MPC 2000xl. The succeeding years were dedicated to spending many a sunny days and moonless nights secluded in his room - making noise and occasionally decent music.

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